Amazon Just Declared Michelle Obama Is A Male!

This very controversial facial recognition technology does exist, and most of the time we are not aware we are already being spied on without our own consent. This technology is very common in many tech giants nowadays.

Even police use this technology to identify the “bad guys” and help them solve crimes.

But how accurate this technology is?

Recently, the accuracy of this technology has sparked a great deal of controversy and many were befuddled.

Many reports confirmed that Amazon’s facial recognition software wrongly identified Michelle Obama and Serena Williams as “male,” and instead of addressing the issue, Amazon punted, claiming that’s a “gender” issue, not a facial recognition matter.

How To Finance reported this incident:

Amazon’s gender recognition procedure identified Black celebs Michelle Obama and Serena Williams as male.

According to MIT researcher Joy Buolamwini, Amazon’s reaction was that the software package is not “facial recognition, it is gender recognition” — as if that can make it appropriate to determine females as male.

Critics complain that Amazon’s system exhibits gender and racial bias, and modern reports have verified that bias.

Reports led by Buolamwini uncovered huge racial and gender bias in the facial recognition program.

Protests throughout the United States prompted Amazon to suspend police use of its software in 2020.

After some tweaking, the ban was lifted by Amazon, stating it hoped Congress would go legislation to ensure moral use of the gender recognition technology. Even so, no this kind of law has been passed, in accordance to Fox Company.

Watch the video below:

Following this incident, many tech companies are now reassessing their facial recognition data sets and algorithms for darker and more female-looking faces.

Source: WayneDupree, How To Finance