An Expert Just Revealed One Thing To ALWAYS Put In A Hotel Safe…

As a seasoned flight attendant for Dutch airline KLM, Esther Sturrus shares her wealth of travel wisdom with over 150,000 TikTok followers, offering invaluable tips for a smoother journey. Her most recent quirky travel hack may save you from a major headache if you follow her advice to the letter.

Ever noticed those safes provided in every hotel room? Many guests hesitate to use them, fearing they’ll forget their valuables when checking out. Esther Sturrus has devised a clever reminder to ensure you retrieve your belongings from the safe before leaving.

“Concerned about leaving something in your locker? Place one of your shoes or heels inside, and you’ll never forget it.”

Esther’s ingenious tip is based on the premise that placing a shoe in the hotel safe will remind you to gather your other items since you’ll need both shoes before departing. If you’ve brought multiple pairs of shoes, simply store another essential item in the safe, such as a coat or jacket—something you can’t leave without.

In addition to her safe hack, Esther shares advice for those seeking better sleep in hotel rooms. She suggests using clothes hangers from the hotel closet to clip curtains together, creating more effective blackout curtains. This technique minimizes the amount of ambient light entering your room, ensuring a restful night’s sleep.

Esther also imparts another useful tip to her extensive TikTok audience: use the hotel’s shower caps to cover your shoes before packing them in your suitcase. This protects your clothes from dirt and grime that may have accumulated on your shoes during your travels.

Furthermore, the shower cap has another handy purpose: covering the remote control, which is often one of the dirtiest items in a hotel room due to frequent handling. As Esther highlights in her viral TikTok video, this trick is “very useful” since “those things are dirty.”

Finally, Esther reveals a nifty method for charging your devices using the hotel television. Simply connect your gadgets to the TV using a USB cable to charge your smartphone, smartwatch, or Fitbit. With this trick, you can avoid the hassle and expense of purchasing a world travel plug or dealing with one that doesn’t work in your destination country.

Source: AWM

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