Eggs are getting so expensive that some people are willing to break the law rather than pay for them. On Tuesday, NBC News reported the theft of 100,000 eggs —...
Long before there was a refrigerator in Alaska, its indigenous people knew how to preserve food using what nature provided. Last June, a team led by an archaeologist at Joint...
It’s perfectly normal to have someone watch over your home when you are going to be away from it for a long time. My grandmother on my father’s side of...
Sports Illustrated is known for pushing boundaries, and its Swimsuit Edition is no exception. In their last edition, they featured attractive Muslim models wearing “burkinis” – swimwear that was banned...
An American man’s been cruelly trolled online and has been told he’s “too ugly” to be married to his “hot wife”. The couple first interacted in 2017 when Philipines-based Divine...
In a compelling video, Florida’s Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods put the anti-gun narrative to shame, calling out the media for exploiting the tragic deaths of three teenagers in a...
Not long ago, while rummaging through old boxes, I discovered a 1980 Pittsburgh Steelers calendar complete with team schedule. Final scores of each Steelers game appeared in the handwriting of...
The times, they have a’changed. When I was a kid, “Pride Puppy!” would probably be some dopey feel-good PSA cartoon that everybody watched because there weren’t any other channels showing...
If you’ve ended up on the front page of the local newspaper, you’ve probably either done something really good or really bad. For Chad Lauterbach, the answer is the latter...
Schools, as the second home of our children, have a duty to protect our children. Tragically, this particular in our featured story for today failed in its duty, with devasting...