Biden’s Latest Top Attorney General Pick Should Scare EVERYONE!

Whenever someone gets into a position of power, they have to put people under them to take care of certain things that they might not have the complete time for on a day to day basis. After all, one person can’t do everything.

When it all comes down to it, those people often shape how a person in power is looked at. Joe Biden is trying to fill his excuse for a Cabinet with everyone that he knows will do exactly what he wants and never question him.

His choice for Attorney General as it stands based on the most recent reports and rumors should scare anyone that’s been paying attention to anything in the news the past year.

There is a rumor going around that Joe Biden is considering naming Andrew Cuomo for the position of Attorney General.

The good news is that he will do as well as AG as he has done as governor. The bad news is that he will do as well as AG as he has done as governor. However, the chances are he won’t kill nearly as many people in his new job should he get it.

But, for Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo would be a great pick because he has no conscience either. No matter what trouble Joe, Hunter, and James find themselves in, Cuomo has the capacity to cover it up.

There is still a little honor among thieves, but very little. He should have put him in charge of Social Security.

His innate ability to send contagious patients to nursing homes would save them a lot of money as the elderly die off long before they would normally. Just think. He would have the whole country to work with and not just one state. His numbers could go through the roof.

More from the AP:

It was also not immediately clear how seriously Cuomo was being considered or how any nomination of him would be greeted by either Republicans, given Cuomo’s antagonistic relationship with President Donald Trump, or by civil rights activists who have encouraged Biden to build a diverse cabinet.

Cuomo has been asked in recent weeks about his interest in the attorney general spot. Just this week, he said in a public radio interview in New York, “I have no intention to run for president or vice president, or go to the administration.” But he said the attorney general job “is really critical, especially now.”

The New York Times pointed out that just days after the election that he was not interested in working for the Harris administration. So, the chances are he would pass on any job he would be offered.

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