Bill Gates: “Vaccines are “Best Way” to Depopulate

Vaccines are one of the biggest public health victories in human history. People are exceedingly reliable to it for eradicating illness and reducing the incidence of new infections of diseases such as polio, diphtheria, measles, rubella, rotavirus and many others.

However, despite this public health success, irrational anti-vaccine sentiments based on ignorance and fear mongering continues to exist. They do more harm than good. Vaccines and general improvements in health care availability increase the living standards of individuals.

But what Bill Gates is trying to say here is opposite to what we think about vaccines.

Bill Gates admits that the vaccines are for human depopulation. According to him, to stabilize the world population, 350,000 people must be eliminated per day.

Bill Gates expound on how we must all consent to a ‘kill the humans’ strategy, to ‘save the planet’ from the carbon dioxide we make. See his lips move. I’m not kidding.

It is not a new thing that some parents wouldn’t want their children to be vaccinated. They say that it is just wrong to inject their kids with a VIRUS—no matter what state it may be. They perceive it as making their children SICK. Physicians say otherwise as they believe that getting vaccinated will make one’s immune system ‘aware’ of viruses so that when it comes into contact with the body, our white blood cell ‘soldiers’ would know how to defend them. And for years, the doctors have been quite successful in convincing many people of this premise.

But now, a recent study puts to light a not-so-new problem with vaccines. And it is mainly because its adjuvant ‘Aluminum’ may be doing more harm than good.
Chemicals that are commonly used in the production of vaccines, according to the CDC, are done so to improve the effectiveness of the vaccine. Adjuvants like aluminum (one of the most common) are a component of vaccines that potentates the immune response to an antigen. The adjuvant is basically used to invoke the desired immune response.

Aluminum has been added to vaccines for approximately 90 years, and since then, a lot of controversy, especially in recent years, has emerged regarding their safety and effectiveness.

This controversy comes as a result of a number of recent studies (some of which are presented in this article) outlining clear concerns over the use of aluminum in this manner, as well as the fact that over the past few years, billions of dollars have been paid to families with vaccine injured children.

There are a number of reasons why more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children.

This is quite concerning, given the fact that recommended immunization rates have more than doubled in the past few decades. In some developed countries, by the time a child is 4 to 6 years old, they will have received a total of 126 antigenic compounds, along with high amounts of aluminum adjuvants through routine vaccinations.

Here are some eye-opening reasons why so many people are starting to question the safety of administering vaccines that contain aluminum.

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