Black Supremacists Vowing To Kill Every Last White Person!

On Saturday, black activists from the New Black Panther Party and other organizations held an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Organizers staged a Second Amendment “March for Reparations” through Tulsa’s downtown area.

Hundreds of individuals marched to “demonstrate overwhelming support for compensation and justice for Tulsa survivors.” Before returning to Ben Hill Park, the group took a rest. At 6 p.m., the Greenwood Centennial Remembrance Walk joined the armed march at Ben Hill Park.

The convention’s theme is “Reparations Now!”

“The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a news release from organizers read. “We must fight on every front to achieve redress and Reparations for the atrocities committed upon Tulsa Massacre descendants; and we must intensify the fight to achieve Reparations for all 40-million Blacks still grossly affected by racism, inequality, wealth disparity, police brutality and the like. Tulsa will mark a new beginning in the upgraded fight for Reparations for Black people.”

“Black power! Black power!” chanted activists.

The armed Black Panthers then marched through Greenwood in formation.

The following organizations are leading the charge:

• The Huey P Newton Gun Club (HPNGC)
• The Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club (EGPGC)
• The New Black Panther Party for Self- Defense (NBPP)
• The Fred Hampton Gun Club (FHGC)
• The New Black Liberation Militia (NBLM)
• The Panther Special Operations Command (PANSOC) ANUBIS
• Multiple other groups and private gun owners

Another supremacist made a threat to white people, saying, “Because that time will come when there’s a rat-a-tat-tat… black Americans will kill everything white in sight.”

“We have to take a much stronger approach toward Reparations,” said co-leader Nick Bezzel. “We are tired of begging. Our ancestors deserve nothing less than our strongest efforts.”

Organizers are holding a Reparations Rally at Standpipe Hill at OSU-Tulsa on Sunday from 2 to 10 p.m.

Meanwhile, the FBI is on the lookout for grandmothers who walked aimlessly through the Capitol on January 6

Source: (1), (2),


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