VIA| Firearm from notorious gun-walking scandal turns up on another continent

Is Eric Holder responsible for the Paris terror attacks? Judicial Watch reports that one of the guns used in the attack has been traced back to Phoenix, the site of the Obama Administration’s gun-running experiment Fast & Furious.

Back in March, Lt. Col. Matt Smith-Meck – working on behalf of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s family – first revealed on the Alex Jones Show that Operation Fast and Furious is ongoing, and that weapons are being resold by the cartels to broader international networks.

“What I would speculate is – dovetailing on what Tosh Plumlee has been on your program before and talked about – this is, I think, part of a much larger international gun running operation,” Smith-Meck said.

“We know from accounts from folks that are actually involved in running these weapons, in September of 2010, weapons – separate from what we would call Fast and Furious – were run down to Mexico, down to a town in Mexico, Caborca actually, met with a international middle eastern arms dealer and en route over to the Middle East,” the retired US Marine stated.

“And I think of great import, is a Moroccon DST commander – their DST is their internal security forces – on 16 October 2010, reported to his supervisors that Fast and Furious weapons were in the kingdom of Morocco en route to arm the rebels in Algeria.”

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