CNN Goes With LAUGHABLE Article Titled ‘Is The Media In The Tank For Hillary?’ Guess What It Concluded -CLASSIC

Donald Trump is accusing news outlets of going beyond its well-known leftward bias to essentially campaign for Hillary Clinton, his Democratic rival for the White House.

In a piece published by CNN Money, Brian Stelter questions this view.


To lend support, Stelter turned to a New York University professor.

“Instead of talking about favoritism among journalists toward a candidate or cause, Trump is making a more extreme claim: doing politics and doing journalism are the same thing,” journalism professor Jay Rosen told CNNMoney. “In this way of thinking, ‘the media’ and ‘the left’ have an equal sign between them.”

CNN is making this case? Really? If anything, the cable news network is captain of the Clinton cheerleading squad.

These are the same folks who ran a piece on Trump Saturday claiming that a ninth sexual assault “victim” came forward, who accused the candidate of greeting her with a kiss in a roomful of people.

That “victim” is also a demonstrable Clinton supporter whose husband and son are Trump business competitors as New York City real estate developers, according to

Meanwhile, it ignored alleged acts of impropriety between a senior Clinton State Department official and agents of the FBI.

The conclusion is unmistakable, as Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

And if Stelter wants proof, he has only to look to comments made on his own network. CNN’s “New Day” co-host Chris Cuomo admitted as much in August.

“we [CNN] could not help her any more than we have,” he said. “she’s got just a free ride so far with the media. We’re the biggest one’s promoting her campaign.”

Still not convinced? Here’s a ten-minute clip of CNN moments where conservative guests were shouted down, their microphones cut or where the network experienced “technical difficulties.”

Apparently, CNN has a problem with dissenting views.

Compilation video via Centipede Productions.

The late William F. Buckley Jr. described it best. “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”

H/T: Angry Patriot Movement

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