Conservative Activist Jailed After Pulling Gun on BLM THUGS Attempting To JUMP HIM (Video)

This weekend Michael Strickland, a former contributor at The Gateway Pundit and Progressives Today, was jailed in Portland, Oregon after he pulled a gun on a gang of thugs who were going to kick his a$$ at a black lives matter protest.

Last year Michael was jumped by an anti-gun activist who broke his arm in three places at an anti-Second Amendment event.

 This weekend Michael was confronted by a gang of men and he pulled out his gun. The story made headlines and Michael was thrown in jail. Michael has a concealed carry permit in Oregon and can legally carry a weapon. He was being threatened and he pulled the gun on his would-be assailants.

Apparently, the state of Oregon issues concealed carry permits in Portland but you’re not allowed to use your gun if you are being threatened with an a$$beating.

michael portland

Here is one video of Michael pulling his gun on the mob.

** Victoria Taft has an amazing report on the incident including several video clips.

The court set bond for Michael at $250,000.

Please help free Michael Strickland.
You can help out by donating to his release at Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation, indicating “Michael Strickland Legal Fund” in the tribute box.


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  • Ridiculous! But no jail for the trash that attempted to do him bodily harm. Sorry this happened to him. Seems like they defend the BLM criminals in that town. I am sure anyone would have done the same to protect themselves. Pulling the gun stopped them didn’t it. What a cowardly bunch of idiots. Of course it is Oregon. Understandable.

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