Did They Just Change Sleepy Joe’s COVID Condition Again?

On Thursday, multiple reports confirm Joe Biden caught COVID. The same Joe Biden who told us that if you get an experimental COVID vaccine shot you will not get the virus, how ironic knowing Joe gets FOUR shots of this vaccine.

But what makes it more alarming after they change the COVID status from “asymptomatic.” Soon after, they said Joe had “mild symptoms.”

And then recently, they said joe had body aches, sore throat, and his cough was increasing…It seems the symptoms just getting stronger and stronger…

And now, we’ve got yet another change to Biden’s COVID. We are hearing that he has a respiratory infection.

One thing is clear, Joe’s situation is getting worse. Well, they can use Ivermectin if they want some relief.

You can watch the video below:

Well, it’s not only us who think what is happening with Joe Biden feels really odd, folks online happen to see it:

“This doesn’t sound good. Does he have pneumonia?” 

“I can’t stand this guy, but wouldn’t wish death on him, but this sounds like it’s more serious than they’re saying it is” 

“Why is Asish Jha providing the update and not the WH physician?”

“So He’s Declining.”

“79 year old with “ mild respiratory illness” sure”

“He’s eating Ivermectin for breakfast lunch and dinner”

“RIP Joe, this doesn’t sound good.” 

“Highly unusual that this isn’t Biden’s doctor giving the White House updates on Biden’s medical condition. You have to ask yourself why not?”

“The big question is: Is Joe Biden still eating his whole plate of food? Can you show it to us, Ashish Jha? CAN YOU?”

“I have a feeling Joe isn’t doing so hot” 

“It’s called pneumonia”

Source: WayneDupree

By kristel

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