Everyone Knew He Won The Lottery, Then They Found Him Dead

Every once in a great while, my wife and I will buy a lottery ticket. It’s never something we ever put any kind of thought into.

It’s one of those “hey I need to break a twenty” type of things. I’ll go buy a five-dollar lottery ticket for the Powerball drawing and more often than not I won’t even check the numbers for a few days.

Most of the time you win nothing or next to nothing.

I mostly do it for the fun of planning not how to spend the money, but how to keep every single person that has ever known you from realizing that you won the lottery.

I keep telling my wife that if we ever won the lottery we are going to buy five small homes in five states so that way when people we used to know start writing us for money they only have a minor shot of actually finding us.

Then she will counter back from my idea with the equally good option of just getting a really nice RV and getting all our mail through a PO Box. Her idea is actually better, I would love the travel.

Money does strange things to people. If you suddenly find yourself come into a large amount of money you will definitely find out who your friends are and who wishes to do you harm.

One man recently found out about this the hard way.

A man named Richard Jarvis was sitting at his favorite watering hole playing a Club Keno lottery game that the bar had installed. It was one of those things that the state lottery had installed.

So anyway, he hit big for one of those Keno games to the tune of $45,000. From all accounts, he was really happy and that kind of money for him was pretty well life changing. That was the last time anyone ever saw him.

He was a regular at the bar in which he won the lottery so his sudden disappearance was definitely noted.

Unfortunately his body washed up a few days later. Investigators had no choice but to rule the death as accidental because when they found his body the winning lottery ticket was still in his pocket.

It has to make you wonder if someone tried to get the ticket from him and he fell in the struggle into the river before the person could get the ticket off of him.

This just goes to show that if you ever win the lottery, don’t tell anyone.