Foul-mouthed, Feminist, Hillary supporter flips off a Trump supporter, then argues with the cop who says she was starting with him

(Caution if children are around, extremely vulgar language being used by this woman)

Take a look at the typical Hillary supporter, an unhinged, most likely single, radical feminist who thinks she can do no wrong.

This woman who claims she was harassed, chased, and threatened by a Trump supporter is actually the aggressor, according to her own words. But when the cop shows up, according to her she’s the victim! Watch as this clearly mentally unstable feminist attempts to argue, even with the police officer regarding her ‘free-speech laws’. Then, when the officer disagrees with her she attempts to accuse him as being part of the problem, simply because he’s a man.

As you can see in the video, the woman admits she’s foul mouthed by proclaiming what you hear now is actually the toned down version. Which could only mean her vocabulary is extremely limited, or she is simply a vulgar woman, which after seeing this video, appears to be the case.


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  • This lunatic needs to seek professional help. She spew crap and in front of a police officer. God Bless that man too bad it wasn’t a female officer what would these evil thing have said to her. Her poor child I am sure will end up a real prize to society with her up bringing. She needs a good slap across that ugly face and vile mouth. She short circuited there you go just like Killary. Unreal!!

  • Omg this woman was so in the wrong on everything… She is part of the problem America faces every single day, Trump is far far from being racist

  • This woman is MOUTHY/VULGAR/OBNOXIOUS/ one of those KNOW it all socialist democrats!!!!!

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