Franklin Graham Just Crushed George W’s Lib Daughter For Trying To Smear Trump, It’s Epic

Planned Parenthood is no different than Adolf Hitler.

They kill millions of people and market the effort. It’s really frickin sick. These are the very same libs that were entirely complicit with Hitler’s plan… yet today, millions of women are adamantly fighting to be able to kill their own babies.

The left continues to advocate raising funds for the baby killing scumbags that was formed decades ago to kill off minorities. Now, race is no longer relevant. Black, white, or asian, they see dollar signs on their tiny limbs, and want ALL THE DEAD BABIES THEY CAN GET!!

According to NewsMax :

“Barbara Bush is the co-founder and CEO of Global Health Corps, which in the past has praised Planned Parenthood.” This stands in contrast to her father, who was regarded as having the most pro-life record of any president in U.S. history.

Recently, Franklin Graham took to social media to call out George W Bush’s daughter, stating that anyone who is trying to raise money to kill babies is as bad as someone raising money for Auschwitz.

“Planned Parenthood is the #1 abortion provider in the United States. Raising funds for this organization is like raising money to fund a Nazi death camp—like Auschwitz, except for innocent babies in their mother’s wombs!

Reports say they perform over 300,000 abortions per year. And this is the organization whose employees were caught on video trying to sell baby body parts over wine. Disgusting.”

Graham posted an article to accompany his comments about Bush fundraising with Planned Parenthood.



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