How LITTLE They Pay For Gas In Saudi Arabia Will Make You See Red! [VIDEO]

We all know that Saudi Arabia and the United States are both oil-producing nations. In one of those countries, gas is about $2.35 per gallon while in the other gas is around $4.50 a gallon or even higher.

Of course, the lower price is for Saudi Arabia and obviously, the higher price belongs to Biden’s America.

This was revealed after  NBC’s reporter Kelly O’Donnell tweeted a video that shows the gas prices in Saudi Arabia are way lower than we have in the united states.

“Checking on gas prices in Saudi Arabia. 2.33 Riyal per litre. About 62 cents US. Watch,” she wrote.

You don’t have to go too far back in history to a time when these fairy tale prices were a real thing. In 2020 when former President Donald Trump was in office, gas was $2.17 per gallon, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

However, everything changes as soon as Biden was installed. In fact, on Monday, it was more than $4.50 a gallon, according to AAA.

So what went wrong with United States gas prices?

Well, the Biden administration is leading us to believe Russia invading Ukraine is the cause. It’s easy to recall that the gas prices were already skyrocketing before that happened.

While the Trump administration was supportive of the domestic oil and natural gas industries, the Biden administration has been opposing oil and gas from the moment the administration took office.

Who would have thought NBC would be the news station to release this footage?

Despite the high gas prices crippling the economy, look for more of the same from the Biden administration. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo posted more damning news on the issue on Twitter.

For Democrats struggling to convince voters ahead of midterm elections that will define the remainder of Biden’s four-year term in office, it was the wrong video for Americans to see less than four months before they go to the polls.

An administration’s attitudes toward oil production is key to pricing because “there is evidence that expectations of increased future supply has a beneficial impact on current prices and expectations of future supply drying up has a negative impact on current prices,” the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Ben Lieberman said, according to a June report in the Washington Examiner.

If the hostility to drilling were not enough, red tape is strangling the energy sector, conservative economist Vance Ginn said.

Here’s what Ginn said, according to the Washington Examiner:

“The regulatory chokehold imposed by the Biden administration on oil production in place of a Green New Deal has drastically raised gasoline prices, thereby hurting lower-income people the most,” he said.

“This is yet another example of the high cost of big-government environmentalism when the better approach is to remove government barriers so that free markets can better let people adapt to changes in the environment at a much lower cost,” Ginn said.

More details of this report from The Western Journal:

In a July 2 commentary piece for the New York Post, author Michael Shellenberger — a critic of “climate crisis” alarmists — wrote that if Biden really wanted to increase global oil production, he could do more than visit Saudi Arabia, hat in hand.

“He could invoke the National Defense Act to accelerate the rate of oil and gas permits. He could set a floor of $80/barrel for re-filling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which would be a powerful incentive for the industry, because it would prevent prices from falling to unprofitable levels. Biden could announce trade agreements with American allies to supply them with liquified natural gas, which would incentivize more natural gas production and lower prices,” he said.

But, he noted, that would mean Biden would have to start being nice to those he marginalizes.

“When oil and gas executives visited the White House in June, Biden snubbed them by refusing to attend the meeting. Instead, at the very same moment, he met with wind industry executives,” he noted.

“The problem is that Biden is in the grip of a pro-scarcity ideology that demands humankind return to relying 100 percent on renewables, like we did before the industrial revolution. But that’s a delusion,” he wrote.

“And so, when you fill up your car or truck, and you feel tempted to blame President Biden for high gasoline prices, go right ahead. Because it really is his fault,” he concluded.

Sources: WesternJournal, New York Post, Washington Examiner,  AAA