Matthew McConaughey Tried To Rescue Biden’s Sinking Ship And Failed Miserably…

Actor Matthew McConaughey, a native of Uvalde, Texas, as well as a father and a gun owner, speaks to reporters at the White House in Washington, D.C., about the recent mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde.

In an extended speech, the actor, who had flirted with running for governor of Texas, used the 21 victims’ stories to press his case for federal action as senators continue to try to reach an incremental compromise on guns.

Here’s what McConaughey said, according to the AP:

We need to invest in mental-health care. We need safer schools. We need to restrain sensationalized media coverage. We need to restore our family values, we need to restore our American values, and we need responsible gun ownership. Is this a cure-all? Hell no. But people are hurting.”

Nineteen children and two teachers were shot to death at Robb Elementary School in McConaughey’s hometown on May 24 by an 18-year-old gunman wielding a semi-automatic rifle.

He specifically called on Congress to bolster background checks for gun purchases and raise the minimum age to purchase an AR-15 style rifle to 21 from 18.

However, purchasers of weapons from a gun dealer are already subject to background checks.

According to The Washington Post, the Uvalde shooter had no criminal record and was allowed to purchase two pistols approximately a week before the shooting.

“Responsible gun owners are fed up with the Second Amendment being abused and hijacked by some deranged individuals,” McConaughey said.

“We want secure and safe schools and we want gun laws that won’t make it so easy for the bad guys to get these damn guns,” he added.

Well, unfortunately, the fundamental issue with gun restriction legislation is that they are often followed by law-abiding persons, but not by criminals and murderers.

He definitely looked like a fish out of water as Western Journal describes.

Watch it here: Youtube/MSN GLOBALlink

Sources: Westernjournal, Yahoo, CNBC, Washingtonpost

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