Michelle Obama Just Revealed Barack’s Biggest Weakness! Everyone Needs to See This…

Barack Obama is gonna throw a hissy fit once he sees what Michelle just revealed about him during an interview with Ellen today.

She was supposed to be there to talk with Steph Curry about the fact that him and Obama spend so much damn time golfing together (that we pay for).

Well, she apparently got too into the interview. She decided to give Curry some trash talking tips and hat’s when Michelle revealed what Barack’s biggest weakness in the world is.


Michelle Obama said,

‘Talk about his ears. As you’re putting, you want to say: “The shadow from your ears is really messing up my putt.” Try that one.’

OUCH! Hah, now that is one for the Conservative playbook.

I have an idea. From now on let’s start posting all over Facebook about Obama’s big dumb ears! (H/T – Daily Mail)

Here are a few pics to get you started. Let’s have fun with this guys. Also, remember to share this whole article out so everyone can learn his weakness and get in on the fun!

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Here is the whole interview with Michelle Obama.

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