Muslims Take Over DFW, Force Everyone To Do Something HORRIFYING

CP | The anti-Trump protests are going precisely as liberals planned. Sharia Law can already be seen showing its ugly face at several rallies.

For instance, the unbelievable scene at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.

The rally at DFW began like so many others at airports around the country.

Liberal politicians showed up to apologize for President Trump trying to keep America’s border safe, and bent over backwards to make all Muslims feel welcome, regardless of their intentions.

Well, the Muslims of Dallas responded by demonstrating precisely what they have planned for America. And precisely why President Trump’s restrictions are needed.

Swarming the baggage claim area, a mob of Muslims began chanting the Islamic call to prayer, and then held a large prayer service right there.

All other travelers were forced to endure this imposition of Islam on their lives. And the authorities were helpless.

Imagine for a second if Jews or Christians did something like this. Liberals and the mainstream media would have a fit. And the police would be called in to clear them out.

But not here. We don’t want to offend the Muslims. And the media completely IGNORED this because it didn’t fit with their anti-Trump narrative.

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