New Obamacare Mental Health Policies Can Take Your Gun and Put You In a FEMA Camp

There is an ongoing battle for the psychological health and welfare of America’s children and eventually all Americans. Since 2002, the government has been intent on testing millions for mental illness. This obsession even extends to our veterans as they return from combat and leave the service. The veterans are increasingly being diagnosed as having PTSD and they are subsequently being adjudicated to not being eligible to own a firearm.

Marti Oakley has been at the forefront on covering elderly abuse in which the courts are stealing the property and incarcerating the elderly into mandatory detention in a care facility because they are mentally infirm. And why is this happening? If an elderly person fails to balance their checkbook, for example, they are robbed and confined by the courts.

These practices are reminiscent of how the Soviets used to imprison political enemies. The Soviets simply said if anyone disagree with the government, they must have “political schizophrenia” and required to have treatment in a mental healthcare facility.

All “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Mentally Ill According to DSM V

When I went through my clinical training, the Bible of mental illness, The Statistical and Diagnostic Manual (DSM-4r) defined Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) as a highly controversial mental illness used to describe children and teens as mentally ill if they exhibited disobedience and defiance. When I was first nationally credentialed, most practitioners did not take this diagnosis seriously and we mistakenly believed that it would fade away. We uniformly believed this to be true because defiance and oppositional behaviors are hallmark traits of healthy rebellion exhibited by children and teens as they seek independence. Rather than ODD fading away, the diagnosis has become the tool of the ruling elite.

The new DSM (5) has expanded the definition of ODD to include adults who exemplify “paranoid ideation” about the government and frequently express these delusional ideations on the Internet.

In most states, the government could arrest a member of the Independent Media based upon a charge of “threat to self and others due to paranoid ideation under the new ODD. The hold of the media types would be f0r 72 hours. The “patient” would not be able to speak with family and more importantly, with an attorney. The result could be a sentence which remands one to a mental health facility where they are forcibly drugged since they are now a ward of the state. Personal assets can be seized in order to pay for “treatment”.

President Bush and the New Freedoms Commission

In April of 2002, by Executive Order, President George W. Bush convened a 22 member panel which sought to identify policies that could be implemented by all levels of government which would promote successful mental health treatment for all children and adults. Essentially this was payback to the Bush campaign contributors, such as Eli Lilly, to create more psychiatric patients which would have to medicated.

Bush’s new organization, The New Freedoms Commission (NFC) was the enforcemnt arm for mental health care treatment. All 50 states were mandated to implement compulsory mental health screening. The screening exams were to be administered in kindergarten, fourth and ninth grade. The screening program required no parental notification and carries the force of law and this program continues unabated to 2012, when public outcry and law suits effectively shut the program down.

In July of 2003, the NFC formally recommended that schools were in the best position to commence the screening of all Americans beginning with America’s students and school employees. The NFC implemented their recommendations, in November of 2004, with a $20 million dollar appropriation.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Should Have Sreamed at Teen Screen

TeenScreen, created by Laurie Flynn, arose out of the expressed desire of the NFC to test all American school children. Teen Screen lauded itself as the first line of defense to screen for suicidal behavior in teens. Under this program, teens were pulled out of class and offered movie tickets and pizza coupons if they took a computer generated, forced-response Teen Screen screening device, and they were not just looking for suicidal behavior.

The screening device had a high rate of false positives (84%). The rigor (e.g., measure of reliability and validity, utilization of genuinely representative population samples used in the norming process) of the screening mechanics have also been called into question. Additionally, TeenScreen allowed for the use of unsupervised nonprofessionals to both administer and interpret the screening instrument. Further, school-initiated treatment protocols could and would be be triggered as a result of the findings. This included forced medication without parental approval.

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  • oh fuck no, I don’t think so…the gov’t is so messed up and they want to raise our children…BS

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