Friendship and loyalty mean a lot to New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, which explains why he happens to be such a huge fan of President Donald Trump.

After Kraft’s wife passed away from cancer six years ago, only a very few people were thoughtful enough to stick by the Patriots owner’s side as he struggled with adapting to a life without his partner of 48 years. One of those people was Donald Trump.

“When Myra died, Melania and Donald came up to the funeral in our synagogue — then they came for memorial week to visit with me,” Kraft told the New York Daily News in an interview.

“Then he called me once a week for the whole year — the most depressing year of my life when I was down and out,” Kraft added. “He called me every week to see how I was doing, invited me to things, tried to lift my spirits. He was one of five or six people that were like that. I remember that.”

What an amazing gesture. It is no wonder that Kraft has stuck by Trump’s side through thick and thin, including at Indiana Inaugural Ball on Jan. 19, where the then-president-elect acknowledged their friendship in front of the whole world.

“In the audience we have somebody that’s under no pressure whatsoever because he’s got a great quarterback named Tom Brady and a great coach named Belichick — Bob Kraft,” Trump said at the dinner. “Your friend Tom just called, he feels good. He called to congratulate us, he feels good. Good luck. You’re going to do great things.”  READ MORE

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  • What is Trump going to do about social security? It looks like he is tackling everything else except what seniors citizens are being cheated out of. Trump talks about JOBS, well, what about our jobs we worked for 40+ years. That .03% raise, THAT’S a insult. Those greedy rotten thief’s in congress.

  • I am with you on this, Charles!! It is an insult to men and women who have worked their butts off and are SUPPOSED to be enjoying their retirement. Instead, too many are having to find work to supplement their SS retirement. Congress sure lives high on the hog off the taxpayers money and are screaming for more!! They can’t live on $174,000 plus expenses a year??? Please give me a break. They are supposed to be public servants and not millionaires.

  • Cut him a little slack, he’s only been President for 13 days. He’s done so much already that it seems longer but it’s barely 2 weeks plus, he also has to contend with the obstructionist Dems in congress that are slow walking the nominations of all his dept heads. He’ll get to all the important issues soon enough.

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