
Lives In Danger To Profit Media Giant And China

The lives of the Benassi family are in danger. Totally baseless speculation caught everyone’s attention on YouTube. It went even more viral than the coronavirus when China realized the theory offers them a way out. Their propaganda ministry instantly started sending traffic to the video that “doxxes” a terrified family. YouTube won’t do anything about […]

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China Denies Leak: Embassy Cables Say Otherwise

Responding to accusations that the coronavirus originated from a Wuhan, China lab, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian had nothing to say on Thursday, other than the World Health Organization hasn’t found any evidence of that yet. Maybe the WHO didn’t, but some diplomatic scientists found some very scary things a couple years ago and the […]

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Nightmare: LAX Screener Tests Virus Positive

Health officials in California have a nightmare on their hands. The customs agent tasked with screening passengers for the Wuhan coronavirus was carrying the disease and may have spread it anywhere. They’re scrambling to locate anyone who may have been in contact with the infected employee. A nightmare scenario Travelers passing through Los Angeles International […]

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HHS Investigating Useless COVID-19 Test Kits

On Sunday, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed that they’re investigating how improperly manufactured COVID-19 test kits were sent out to medical professionals in the first batch. The FDA is also looking into it. Meanwhile, to expedite the ability to detect the virus, they granted the state of New York permission to use […]

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Death Of Doctor Exposes Spooky Spy Network

On Friday, a young doctor in Wuhan, China died from the 2019-nCoV coronavirus. His death underscores the heavy handed totalitarianism of Xi Jinping’s communist regime because it was inconvenient enough to the state that it had to be censored. Not a single thing happens under the watchful eye of the Chinese government without their total […]

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