WARNING: WikiLeaks Gives Clinton ONE WEEK!

Voters may get a preview of Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s potential “October Surprise” earlier than expected according to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Assange appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” program Tuesday and told host Sean Hannity: “The first batch is reasonably soon. We are quite confident about it now.”

“We might put out some teasers as early as the next week or the week after,” Assange added.

The Hill reported that Assange gave an interview in August in which he said that his organization had “thousands” of documents regarding Clinton that he claimed would have a “significant” impact on the November presidential election.

The Obama administration has been one of WikiLeaks’ biggest roadblocks, as it has used the Espionage Act to attempt the prosecution of more journalists, along with their sources, than all other presidencies combined, according to Assange:

“We specialize in bringing the First Amendment to the world. We are surprised that one of our biggest battles is trying to bring it to the United States under an Obama administration.

Assange has been embroiled in some dubious circumstances and was currently living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in an effort to avoid rape charges.

According to Assange, Clinton has also pushed for him to be punished for publishing the information stolen by Pvt. Bradley Manning that has Manning currently serving 35 years in prison. Assange has not been charged in that incident.

WikiLeaks released damaging Democrat National Committee emails that showed how leaders rigged the primary election for Clinton (among many other misdeeds), and their veracity was not in dispute.

Assange’s background is largely irrelevant with regard to whether the information released is true. Clinton has a lot of skeletons in her closet and the public deserves to know as much as they can before November, and frankly afterwards, as well — hopefully after GOP nominee Donald Trump is sworn in as president.


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