Who is truly in charge of the Obama/Biden administration?
In January 2021, the Gateway Pundit posed the following question:
“Who is in charge of the Biden campaign? Who will be the country’s leader?”
“Who composes his speeches, and who approves what is written, including the topics? Joe is unable of doing this task. The majority of the time, he has no idea where he is.”
“Perhaps China is in charge; they’ve been collaborating with the Bidens for quite some time.”
“Is it possible that all of the above is in charge of the Biden clan? The Bidens are unconcerned about the American people. They just cheated Americans out of an election. No, the Bidens are only a cover for a shady clan.”
On the 4th of July, the Gateway Pundit asked again:
Who runs the White House?
Biden is both physically and mentally unfit for the job.
Is Obama running the White House?
Some speculate that Obama is in charge of Biden’s campaign.
Most of America appears to be asking the same question: who is in charge of the Biden administration? In a nationwide study, the respectable Trafalgar Group asked the same question.
They wanted to know if Americans think Biden is doing excellent work in his job. The majority of Americans feel that someone other than Biden is in charge of the country.
One-third of Democrats feel the government is being governed by someone else:
Most of the Republicans believe that other than Biden there is also someone who is in charge of the government:
Independents believe that someone other than Biden is in charge of the government, with 58.4% believing that someone other than Biden is in charge.
Americans have finally agreed on one thing: Senile Joe Biden will not be in charge.
Sources: TheGateWayPundit (1), TheGateWayPundit (2), TheGateWayPundit (3)