George’s music is loved by so many people and has been enjoyed for years and years. There is no question about his performing ability or his song quality. Now there is no question on how philanthropic Mr. Strait is. Mr. Strait just made a very generous donation to the Kids of Texas. The donation was made during the Navarro Country Go Texan event. The event is one of the largest social gatherings for the entire community.
The foundation itself does an amazing job for the community. They gave 40 students scholarships that ranged from 18,000 dollars all the way to 72,000 dollars. For a student paying for in state tuition, that amount covers the entire cost of a higher education. This year strait has been more than generous in his donation to this extremely worthy cause. His donations will no doubt help kids down the road.
Strait made multiple donations to the Navarro County area. He donated a lot of tickets to the George Strait Team Roping classic that is considered a literal “big ticket event.” In addition to the tickets strait donated many small autographed items that people could bid on in a silent auction. These two items alone will be putting a kid through college. Strait also made a monetary donation of an undisclosed amount. Thank you George Strait for showing us how a true American should act.
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