What Steve Harvey Just Said About Hillary Clinton Will Make You SICK

Actor, comedian and television host Steve Harvey has an immense following, but he’s losing the respect of many of his fans after endorsing Hillary Clinton during a recent radio show.

“She has fought for social justice, equality and policies that expand civil and economic opportunity out there,” Harvey told his listeners.

He then went on to applaud Clinton for her promises to significant improve conditions for the black community.

“As president, you really plan on building on the progress that President Obama has made to deliver some real results for a lot of Americans, including African-Americans,” Harvey continued. “And I’m endorsing you as my candidate for President of the United States and I just think that you’re going to just do the right thing for the majority of the people in this country.”

The fact that Harvey thinks that Obama has made significant progress toward improving this country is one thing, but the idea that Hillary would continue to “build” is downright laughable.

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  • This is what Obama promised the black community, we now have more race issues than we have had in decades. Obama has done far more for the immigrants and muslims than he has the black community, or our country as a whole. Hillary will be 4 more years of Obama politics.

  • I like Steve Harvey but to think that he wants her in office is just to much. Is Steve and IDIOT or what. Just to think that Obama got it twice just proves just how many STUPID people are in this world. If Trump doesn’t get in, then it is all fixed and are votes mean nothing. Obama should never had in office the second time. Hillary is a liar and I would never trust her.

  • I just lost all interest in ever watching his show in the future. There was a time I thought he was a good comedian, but with the remarks he has made about Clinton, I think he has really lost his marbles. He thinks she is going to do good for his race, think again. She is nothing but a murderer in Bengazi, where those good people didn’t stand a chance with her. Wait til the FBI goes after her. Then there is Arkansas. I don’t think he has done his homework or he is really a stupid individual.

  • I don’t believe it, Steve is smarter than that, Hillary would destroy what is left
    of the U.S.

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