2 Teen Girls Fantasized Over Columbine Killers, Charged As Adults In Plot To Kill Classmates At Denver High School

Two alleged co-conspirators at the tender age of 16 have essentially ended their lives as they know it – and it was in a bid to rid others of theirs that brought them here.

Sienna Johnson (above, left) and Brooke Higgins (above, right) have been charged as adults on two counts of conspiracy to commit murder after a tip came into a hotline.

Text-a-tip, a program developed for schools for just such occasions, led to the arrests on December 12th.


The attack was to be carried out at Mountain Vista High School, a Denver suburb.

The investigation revealed that Brooke had researched places teens could purchase guns online. She’d written in her journal that she wished she could have been part of the Columbine massacre, even doing searches on the Internet for female mass shooters. She’d also warned a friend about her plans and had visited an online gun site.

Sienna had made specific plans for the unspeakable attack and even bought a BB gun to practice with.


Their attorneys believe they should be charged as juveniles and treated, not punished as adults.

Brooke’s attorney, Dagny Van Der Jagt, told the judge her client struggles with depression.

Sienna’s attorney, public defender Ara Ohanian, has simply said the allegations against Sienna have been exaggerated.

Both have had their bonds set at $1 million and are determined to be dangers to the community.

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