Did Joe Biden Have A Brain Aneurysm On Live Television?


It has been clear that President Biden has really bad dementia. I mean, shouldn’t he resign? And give his position to the most suitable person to lead this great country.

Recently, Biden adopts fetal position pose as he crumbles under questioning from Fox News reporter Peter Doocy and tries to blame Trump for the catastrophe in Afghanistan

Nowhere to hide Joe?

Biden, 78, looked lost for words after being asked if he bore responsibility for an ISIS-K suicide attack at Kabul Airport on Thursday that killed 13 US service personnel, before bowing his head and clutching a file tightly around his hands.

He did so moments after raising eyebrows by revealing he had been given a list of pre-approved journalists to call on, saying: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O’Donnell from NBC.’

Doocy was the last journalist called, with Biden left tongue-tied after tried to throw a question back at Doocy about why Fox News was neglecting to mention that Donald Trump had confirmed the withdrawal when he was president.

But Doocy continued to push, with Biden visibly struggling after being pressed to take the blame for Thursday’s atrocity.

Last week, a top cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, consultant, and expert in evidence-based medicine, expressed concerns about Biden’s age and mental and physical well-being.

That’s not a good sign, to be honest.

Recently, Thirteen US service members and at least 60 Afghans have been killed in two bombing attacks outside Kabul’s airport, according to the Pentagon and Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health.

The deadly blasts came as the United States and other Western countries raced to complete a massive evacuation of their citizens and Afghan allies following the Taliban takeover of the country.
An official with Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health told CNN on Thursday that more than 60 Afghan people were dead and 140 wounded.

Eighteen US service members were injured in addition to the 13 dead, said Capt. Bill Urban of US Central Command (Centcom). US President Joe Biden, speaking from the White House, called the troops “heroes” and said he was “outraged as well as heartbroken.”

“We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay,” he warned the perpetrators of the attack.

This is such a big sign that Biden should step down. In shame.

Sources: The Gateway Pundit, Daily Mail, CNN News