Mark Zuckerberg, founder and chief executive officer of Facebook Inc., speaks during a news conference at the company’s headquarters in Palo Alto, California, U.S., on Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2010. Facebook Inc. unveiled a service that makes it easier for users to share their whereabouts with other people, making a deeper push into a fast-growing market pioneered by Foursquare Labs Inc. Photographer: Noah Berger/Bloomberg *** Local Caption *** Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook Outrageously MAINTAINS an Assassinate Donald Trump Page


Bipartisan gangsters running America let nothing interfere with their ruthless agenda, waging war on humanity at home and abroad, serving monied interests exclusively.

Trump won’t change longstanding policies if elected president. Yet Republican power brokers and media scoundrels want anyone but him representing the party in November.

Will they choose the nuclear option to prevent it? Will long knives eliminate his candidacy the old-fashioned way?

Facebook outrageously maintains an Assassinate Donald Trump page, ludicrously claiming it doesn’t violate company “community standards” left undefined – perhaps including murder.

In 1968, Bobby Kennedy had a lock on the Democrat party nomination, likely able to defeat Richard Nixon in November.

On June 5, he was fatally shot, Sirhan Sirhan falsely imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit, set up as a convenient patsy.

Bobby, brother Jack and Martin Luther King were extrajudicially assassinated, victims of state-sponsored terror – Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray wrongfully blamed.

Are long knives planning Trump’s removal? Is he being set up for elimination? Has a date, location and convenient patsy to be blamed for his demise been chosen?

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0 thoughts on “Facebook Outrageously MAINTAINS an Assassinate Donald Trump Page

  1. I have never heard that those guys were wrongfully judged. I’m pretty sure that Ray wasn’t.

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