HERE IT IS! This 43 Second Video Will Make America LOVE Mike Pence and HATE Tim Kaine…

Did you guys see last night’s Vice Presidential debate? It was pretty awesome watching Mike Pence run Tim Kaine into the ground on every single issue asked, right?

Tim Kaine is REALLY gonna lose his mind when he sees this 43-second video proving that Mike Pence won the debate!

Mike Pence tried to tell his moving 9/11 story of seeing smoke rise from the Pentagon when the plane hit it. Jealous Tim could stand all the patriotism, so he did this:

See? The moron actually tried to one-up Mike Pence‘s heartfelt story of patriotic duty by talking about how he was in Virginia. What an idiot!

So I have 2 questions for you, Kaine:

  1. What the hell gives you the right, Tim Kaine, to so rudely interrupt a person, let alone someone telling their own experience of one of the most harrowing days in US history?
  2. Are you actually dumb enough to think anyone in America would enjoy your rudeness? We don’t!

Basically, Tim Kaine sank his own career last night. Someone needs to teach this boy some proper manners, and it sure as heck won’t be Hillary Clinton!


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