In an era where Americans are being strangled by soaring energy costs, President Trump once again stands as the lone warrior fighting for the average American family. At a time...
In an era where Americans are being strangled by soaring energy costs, President Trump once again stands as the lone warrior fighting for the average American family. At a time...
The 887 Easter Island statues, called Moai, have dotted the Chilean Polynesian island since 1250 C.E. At 82-tons, the tallest of them reaches an impressive 33-feet high. A large grouping...
A former veteran of the Bowling Green, Kentucky, police had to call a bizarre story in to his old buddies at the department on Wednesday morning. He was reporting a...
The CDC was responsible for a weeks long delay in delivering Covid-19 test kits. By breaking their own rules, they accidentally contaminated the tests, making them completely useless. Reporters have...
Across America, chemically hypersensitive people who call themselves “canaries” know all about isolation and social distancing, they have been doing it for years. They would love to share all their...