A Driver Saw Naked Children Walking Down The Street, Then Noticed Something Absolutely Vile…

A postal worker had a bizarre encounter after he go out for delivery one day, she saw two children in awful conditions while making her daily mail delivery.

Judy Arnold Alexander, A Sharp County postal worker, was driving on Hars Creek Road in Ash Flat when she saw the two young girls. The older girl is about four years old and was clothed in an old nightgown, and the younger girl, age two, was naked and covered in fecal matter, according to Alexander.

Alexander immediately help the kids off the street and began to go searching for his or her mom – who she discovered handed out in a chair with two smoking pipes close by.

With this, Alexander quickly called 911. Sharp County Sheriff Mark Counts and his deputies quickly responded, ultimately learning of the shocking conditions the girls were living in.

The mom, Heather Shelton, 29, admitted to having “hit the pipe” on a number of occasions that morning. She told authorities she also had a baby inside the home.

According to Counts, “the girls appeared not to have had a bath in several days and appeared to be covered in what looked like feces. We used some baby wipes to clean them up before DHS could get there.”

“The little baby boy’s crib had a used diaper in there that appeared to be there for a while, maybe up to a week,” he said. “It was just a bad situation.”

According to reports, Shelton was arrested on three counts of endangering the welfare of a minor, one count of possession of a controlled substance, and one count of possession of an instrument to commit a crime.

More details of this story from Opposing Views:

Counts notified the Department of Human Services, which took the children into its care.

“When DHS showed up the kids didn’t want anything to do with her,” he said. “I think they have been having to fend for themselves for a while. I know when they took the kids off the mom didn’t show much emotion at all.”

Officers also found two bags of marijuana, two pipes and eight bottles of fingernail polish.

“The mom is more worried about getting high than taking care of her very beautiful children, and it is just sad,” Counts said.

Counts said this incident was one of the worst of this kind since he has been the sheriff.

“The mom is more worried about getting high than taking care of her very beautiful children, and it is just sad,” Counts said.

Watch the video report below:

Source: OpposingViews

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