A Top Attorney Just Said Kyle Rittenhouse Has An Air Tight Case Against Biden…

It seems Joe Biden’s growing pile of unsolved problems will soon have an addition…In this case, will soon witness a court battle, Rittenhouse V Biden…

Rittenhouse accused Biden of acting with “actual malice, defaming my character” after linking him to white supremacy two years ago.

And now, an attorney expert with defamation-related cases and the same attorney who represented Nicholas Sandmann claims that Kyle Rittenhouse may have a substantial defamation case against Biden.

These malicious accusations against  Rittenhouse were also backed by the entire liberal media establishment egregiously pushed outright lies about the case, his intent, and the identity of the rioters he shot.

Now, Rittenhouse promised that he will go after all of them…

Below are some tweets, take a look:

Conservative Brief sets the stage for potential litigation:

“What you take from that tweet is that Kyle Rittenhouse was using his rifle and engaging in White supremacist misconduct so it’s actionable.

Not necessarily going to win, but it’s actionable,” McMurtry said, referring to Biden’s tweet and video.

McMurtry noted Biden was not president at the time of the tweet, meaning he would not have any presidential or congressional immunity.

Rittenhouse’s legal team called for legal action against Biden, according to Daily Caller’s report, “Formal demand for public retraction is being prepared for Biden/Harris Campaign on behalf of Kyle Rittenhouse,” Rittenhouse’s attorney, Lin Wood, wrote on Twitter, including a screenshot from Biden’s video.

Sources: WLT, Conservative Brief, Daily Caller

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