The Alpha Charter of Excellence School has a special breakfast for fathers and their children every year, but Oscar Portillo usually doesn’t participate.
His father was deported from the U.S. three years ago. A year later, on Oscar’s birthday, his father was killed in Honduras.
His mother, Lisa Portillo, wanted Oscar to have a chance to experience the breakfast and decided to make a call to the Miami Police Department.
7-year-old Oscar was never able to participate in his school’s “Take Your Father To Breakfast” event until this year.

The police department agreed, and Oscar expected one officer to show up. To his surprise, he had an entire group who sat down with him while he enjoyed his breakfast.
“They came not with one, but four for his dad,” Lisa said. “And some were there to meet and greet.”
Lisa said she had no one else to turn to as she searched for someone to accompany her son. He simply wanted to be like the other kids that day, she said, and the police officers made that possible. Lisa said her son never imagined so many officers walking through the door.
“He was speechless,” she said. “He could not believe they cared enough to come.”
The four officers who stepped in as Oscar’s father also signed a pledge, which other dads, uncles, and grandfathers signed at the school that day, promising to support him. Lisa said their selfless gestures made both her and her son “so happy.”
Oscar was very happy and his mother further stated that the officers were extremely special and she had no words to thank them for their efforts.
“I am so grateful they could be there for my son,” Lisa said. “They truly are special, and I can’t thank them enough for all they have done.”
According to Opposing Views, the post touched the hearts of many, even inspiring some to contribute in their own ways.
“I would like to send him something from my husbands department for his birthday!!!,” wrote the wife of another police officer.
“This was so beautiful and brought me tears!” She added. “As a teacher and a wife of a police officer, I know how much this just have meant. Your little boy is so handsome and I hope this brought him extra joy on a hard day.”
Watch the video report below for more details:
Sources: OpposingViews, WSBTV, Lisa Portillo/Facebook