BREAKING – Hillary Insider Risks His Life to Expose Hillary’s DISGUSTING Affair With…OMG!!

Fellow patriots, I apologize in advance for any disturbing images this article will conjure up in your mind. There is just no way to relay this shocking new report about the Clintons without going into at least some detail about the “open marriage” rumors now going viral online.

I know you’re used to disturbing images of Bill Clinton, but this time it’s about a potential Hillary sexual tryst. Jeff Rovin is claiming to have been employed as Bill and Hillary Clinton’s “fixer,” as per WND.  The dirty antics and schemes he says he was hired to clean up allegedly include a sexual affair between Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster!

Vince Foster was Bill Clinton’s White House counsel before he suddenly died of a suspicious suicide that involved two gun shots.

Jeff Rovin also maintains that Bill and Hillary have had an open marriage for decades. This would line up with what we learned yesterday about Bill’s meetings with the “Energizer,” now allegedly Julie McMahon, who would arrive at Whitehaven (the Clintons’ private residence) only minutes after Hillary Clinton would leave.

It sounds like these affairs could therefore have been coordinated between the couple—otherwise why would Bill risk Hillary catching McMahon if Hillary decided to return to grab something she had forgotten?

The Clinton “fixer” also alleged that Bill was “allowed” to have sex with hookers. According to Rovin, the Clinton couple also worked together to pay off reporters who were recruited to publicly destroy Monica Lewinsky after her affair with Bill made international headlines.

To prove his claims were valid, Jeff Rovin shared faxed documents with time stamps and ledgers to bolster at least some of his claims. “I was fixing something for an actor who was in their inner circle. That’s how I was engaged,” Rovin said when explaining how he came to work as a fixer for Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Rovin also suggested the myriad of reports about Hillary Clinton’s bad temper are true. He said he spoke directly with Hillary twice and noted she had a “steeliness” about wanting to get a problem fixed.

“You have to understand, every time I saw Hillary, I was bringing bad news,” Rovin continued “The messenger got shot.” Rovin means Hillary was determined to cover up the sexual scandals and willing to take out her frustration of her own public life on this “fixer.”

This lends further credibility to the growing rumor that the Clintons had an open marriage. While Hillary is particularly callous, it still doesn’t quite add up that she’d be “steely” instead of distraught over her husband’s infidelity. Unless, of course, she didn’t consider it to be infidelity.

Do you think Hillary Clinton had an affair with Vince Foster and that the romp may have played a role in his untimely death?


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  • That’s OLD news !! Everyone believed it when he was found dead. Knowing what we know now, maybe it was because he refused to have an affair with her. Did that ever occur to you?

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