Americans were outraged this week when FBI Director James Comey announced that Hillary Clinton would likely not be charged for her use of a personal email server during her time of Secretary of State.

That decision was made even though Comey himself called Clinton’s handling of our country’s sensitive information “careless.”

Americans were outraged this week when FBI Director James Comey announced that Hillary Clinton would likely not be charged for her use of a personal email server during her time of Secretary of State.

That decision was made even though Comey himself called Clinton’s handling of our country’s sensitive information “careless.”

Now, a controversial video explaining exactly how Clinton dodged an indictment is going viral.

It is definitely worth watching.

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  • That’s it? Tell us something we don’t already know. This is lame. I thought this would be like hidden info we couldn’t get from regular news.

  • If her memory is that bad she is on her way to having Alzheimer’s and dementia. Her brain is not competent enough to be president.

  • So where is the controversial, leaked video. This is all over the place including commercials

  • I find you a liar killary, you know what to say and how to say it. what you have done is unforgivable but there you are running for president, How Can This Happen ? To All The ladies saying” We Want A Female President knowing what she has done and you still want to vote for a liar and a cheat. greed, power that’s truly what you want ?

  • Its Mind Blowing with just how much Hillary gets away with??? How can anyone believe her one day to another-? What has become of the American public– She ies thru her teeth with a smile– A liar, cheating person and it shows everytime she opens her mouth–

  • with luck killary will be able to have that discusion about her email in kail with other crooks

  • This nasty bitch belongs in an orange pantsuit in a federal prison. The fact that she is not in prison tells me that this country is ran by criminals that all belong in prison.

  • “Obama has the best of reasons for covering up the ugly truth about #BlackLivesMatter and the hate groups associated with it. The massacre of police officers in Dallas was neither shocking nor unexpected.”
    Exactly; Not only was it not shocking or unexpected, it was planned, encouraged, and enabled. Obama is committing treason as a daily routine, with a traitor of an Attorney General who won’t go so far as to answer a simple question on perjury during a Congressional hearing. We are already under the thumb of tyranny.
    Our federal government is being run by a Black Muslim gang. All enemies of this country are Obama’s allies. The war has begun, but way too many befuddled people are still fighting for their mortal enemies, thanks to political correctness and the abandonment of moral clarity.
    The Dallas murders were just the beginning of an escalation of violence by the black nationalists, and Muslims as well, but most likely the Muslims will be called off because their attacks feed the national security vote that hurts the left. If the violence continues to escalate it is because the black left is trying to light a Reichstag fire that will precipitate martial law and keep Obama in power. It can’t be a strategy to help Hillary. She’s pasty white, for one thing, and for another, she’s already floundering in a tar pit of criminality and catering public trust.
    Obama’s Harvard mentor, the hyper racist Derrick Bell, once said “I live to harass white people.” That was a lie. What he lived for was to destroy white people, and that is Obama’s goal as well.

    Meet Peggy Hubbard

  • I am registered democrat. I can not vote for Hillary. Many may not vote at all aware that Trump may not be the a good alternative either. I don’t think anyone can be charged for thinking that Obama is complicit having communicated with her on that unsecured server and he may have known about it. Has the laws of this county place second to politics?? This the reason why I can not vote for a candidate like Hillary being supported by democrats aware of the violations of laws. We immigrants criticize our motherland for laws there being second guessed most of the time and only to experience it in America. For those minorities still blind by all things. Wake up? When your turn happens for the same crime, you will not be adjudged “careless” and get off the hook. Your name is Clinton. This is not about Republicans or democrats things. Simply being law abiding. Try to to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to see if that pledge applies to the Clintons – especially the last few words pertaining ” Justice For All”.

  • If he had recommended charges against her, he would be on Clinton’s kill list. A few that crossed them or knew too much have died.

  • Well Trump didn’t install her private server!
    Trump didn’t have her illegally divert government emails to the private server.
    Trump didn’t tell her to violate federal law and refuse to turn over government property and government emails
    Trump didn’t tell her to lie under oath about private emails and private servers
    Trump didn’t tell her to delete those government emails
    Trump didn’t tell her to scrub the private server so she could hide her illegal activities
    Trump didn’t tell her to illegally destroy phones and laptops that were government property
    Trump hasn’t put her in prison yet but one can hope!
    Hillary is a lying thieving criminal who has already sold out her own country!

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