BREAKING: Trump Accountant Comes Forward And Makes A Huge Announcement…MEDIA SILENT!

The Liberals media have been all over Donald Trump, trying to make him look bad because of the recent discovery that back in 1995 he stated he lost $1 billion through his businesses. However, this was merely stated because he felt the need to compare this to the tax returns data from that same period as a way of compensation.

The news came directly from Donald Trump’s 1996 accountant Jack Mitnick and the Liberals were way in over their heads.

VIA Conservative Tribune

Mitnick claimed that Trump’s manipulating the tax code at that point in time wouldn’t have even been possible.

The media and Hillary Clinton have painted Trump as a maniacal genius, manipulating the tax code to fit his greedy goals. But according to Mitnick, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

“As far as I know, and that only goes through late ’96, he didn’t (have the expertise to manipulate the tax code),” Mitnick said during an interview Wednesday with NBC News. Trump’s lack of expertise was exactly why he hired Mitnick.

What this means is that the entire liberal narrative alleging that Trump personally manipulated the US tax code in an effort to circumvent the spirit of the law is patently false.

Instead Trump had a professional accountant do what professional accountants do — prepare his taxes and maximize his deductions. And that’s what every screeching liberal does annually around April 15.

As if to drive home the point that the charges of Trump manipulating the system were false, Mitnick further explained to CNN, “Those returns were entirely created by us.”

In other words, Trump had virtually zero involvement with the tax process.

That obliterates one of the Democrats’ biggest talking points. But it doesn’t deal with the core question involved: “Is it wrong to maximize your tax deductions?” The answer, of course, is a resounding no.

If it were legally wrong (moral questions aside), deductions simply wouldn’t be allowed under the federal tax code. But they are allowed, and Americans are expected to take advantage of them … else why would they have ever been passed into law in the first place?

On the moral side, most reading Conservative Tribune will likely agree that working to keep as much of what you’ve earned from being forcefully confiscated under threat of violence from the government is reasonable and highly moral, as long as those efforts aren’t illegal.

Of course, the coup de grâce in this entire made-up controversy is that Hillary Rodham Clinton did on her taxes exactly what she’s accusing Donald Trump of doing.

So once again we have the left saying to everyone else, “Good for me, but not for thee. We’ll keep our taxes low, thanks, but you should pay through the nose.”

And that is one of the reasons for Trump’s incredible support. The American people are sick and tired of there being one set of rules for politicians and another set for the rest of us.

I guess Donald Trump is giving Hillary a taste of her own medicine- and we so appreciate it! .


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