The thing about a veteran that people who have never been in the military don’t understand, it is that we have already experienced the worst day of our life at...
While on an Egyptian vacation with her husband of 20 years, a woman abandoned her faithful partner for a young local who made her feel “beautiful.” However, just weeks after...
A server at a restaurant in San Antonio received an early Christmas present at work, only to be told by her manager that she couldn’t keep it all. The server, Emily Bauer,...
There are some things that men and women all over the world should expect to assume are going to be known universal truths. First off, if you fall in the...
Many have criticized the home stretch of President Joe Biden’s first and only presidential term. The primary reason for that has been Bidden’s rampant pardons and commutations, particularly in the...
Even those of us who acknowledge our own sinful natures and repeated moral failings have trouble enduring such overt hypocrisy. On Sunday, former President Jimmy Carter, widely regarded as a...
An Oregon school district fired a 29-year employee after police cited him for illegally killing a deer, The Oregonian reported Dec. 2. Paul Simmons, 55, said he didn’t know he...
President Joe Biden denied meeting with the business partners of his son, Hunter Biden, on several occasions over the past few years. But photos of Hunter Biden and his father...