CLOSE CALL: Secret Service Members React as Trump Is Nearly ATTACKED During Rally

Friday night, an organized, George Soros-funded mob shut down a Donald Trump rally in Chicago.

Saturday morning in Dayton, Ohio, Trump held a rally in an airport hanger, when near the end of his speech, there was a scary moment, as a man rushed the stage to get at Trump.

Secret Service agents leaped into action, as Trump whipped around to see what was happening.

Remarkably unfazed, Trump continued with his speech.

The left is organized, funded and ready to take Trump down…this will only get worse, as Soros’ millions flow into, the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter.

(Or as Ted Cruz would say…it’s all Trump’s fault.)


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  • Its time we go after the George Soros Fund. This is the U.S. This George Soros was born in Budapest and is one of the financiers whose money is paying for the thugs who are behind the Trump attacks. Maybe its time this old man Soros is sent back to where he was born and all his billions be given to the poor in this country. This is outrageous but we were warned some time ago, there were financiers who were going to see that Trump was not going to get elected. Seems like it is coming true. If you want to be a good American, help stop this George Soros.

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