Comey Ditched Security Badge To Avoid Answering

James Comey could have asked to have his security clearance reinstated before his recent interview with Inspector General Michael Horowitz. He didn’t. That may have been a calculated move on his part. Several high powered Republican lawmakers are asking some interesting questions. Senator Ron Johnson asks, “was it so they wouldn’t have to explain this information?” The Senate Homeland Security Committee chairman also wants to know, “why did former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI general counsel James Baker refuse to have their security clearances reinstated before they were interviewed by the inspector general?” How much did James Comey and Robert Muller know about Christopher Steele’s dirty dossier, and when did they know it?

Comey abandons security clearance to avoid questions

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson’s most burning question is “why Comey refused to allow his security clearance to be reinstated.” The only logical reason Johnson can come up with, is because it let Comey “avoid questions about classified information that Horowitz wanted to raise for his audit of the Russia investigation.”

Republican investigators are demanding some answers from the former directors of the Federal Bureau of Instigation. Buried in the footnotes to a recent report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz, are recently declassified footnotes “showing the FBI received classified reports in 2017.”

Those secret reports admitted “that parts of British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier were likely influenced by Russian disinformation.” In other words, FBI officials knew they were lying to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court and they did it intentionally. They weaponized the department of justice more powerfully than anything the Watergate Plumbers ever could have imagined, when they bugged the DNC.

James Comey insisted Mueller use Steele’s research

In the first of two damning reports, the watchdog chained to the Department of Justice determined Steele’s dossier was “used to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against Trump campaign associate Carter Page.” That includes three renewals. More importantly, Michael Horowitz noted that James Comey “insisted Steele’s research be included in the 2017 intelligence community assessment on Russian election interference.”

Shortly after Comey was fired in May 2017, Mueller was appointed to run the infamous “witch hunt” into Trump Russia collusion that failed to turn up a single thing. In December, Horowitz reported that the DOJ and FBI lied to the FISA court at least 17 times in order to get the warrant against Page in 2016, then renew it three times in 2017. The whole thing counted on Steele’s dossier as evidence of Page’s wrongdoing.


Steele was bought and paid for by Glen Simpson and his firm Fusion GPS, using Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign fund money funneled through the Democratic National Committee and the Perkins Coie law firm. The FBI knew that from the beginning and hid it from the court.

“We suspect that Comey, McCabe, Baker, Strzok, and Page knew all along. But they didn’t care because they were out to get the President,” Jim Jordan, the top Republican lawmaker on the House Judiciary Committee, tweeted. Also, “new evidence shows that James Comey’s FBI knew that the Trump Campaign didn’t hack the DNC. But they kept spying anyways. Shameful.”

Attorney General William Barr was thinking the exact same thing. Barr indicated that it’s one of the issues that U.S. Attorney John Durham has been digging into. Durham has more power than the Inspector Generals have had. He has a grand jury. “Someone like Durham can compel testimony,” Barr explained to NBC. “He can talk to a whole range of people, private parties, foreign governments, and so forth.” Conservative writer John Solomon says he has personal knowledge that subpoenas have already been served and witnesses are beginning to testify already.

Mark Megahan

Mark Megahan is a resident of Arizona and "deplorable" Donald Trump supporter. For several years, he has been an outspoken critic of the "deep state" government within a government, while providing solid fact based analysis of current events. Mark is also an impassioned advocate for those like himself who are disabled by chemical hypersensitivity.

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