Fox News Being Held Back From EXPOSING OBAMA By Saudis; The Reason Will Make You SICK!!

A rise in the price of oil, the spigot of which is largely controlled by the Saudis, was instrumental in the financial collapse which resulted in the 2008 election of Obama as president. At the same moment, a Saudi Prince, pulls the strings at Fox News, though he is nominally not the largest shareholder. He saved them from a hostile takeover and continues to provide protection. His partnership with Al-Waleed provides Murdoch to enter in the Middle Eastern countries for sweet media deals with his oil-rich Arabian-gulf partners.

Racist Adviser of Prince, Al-Waleed bin Talal, helped Obama as a student.

Prince Al-waleed’s involvement constitutes a leash on Fox News to prevent them from becoming too aggressive in their attacks on Obama. The Prince boasted once about censoring the use of “Islamic terrorist” by Fox reporters with just one phone call. Fox reporters are completely  controlled by Prince Al-Waleed.

Note that Fox News does not support investigations into Obama’s eligibility or his impeachment  and their reporters  often openly mock such attempts. This note shows some of the motivations to explain why they do this. Fox fans do not realize they are watching the Arabian Newsroom and not the American Newsroom as they have been seduced into believing. Fox has always pulled their punches when it comes to Obama.

Percy Sutton is the radical attorney, who represented Malcolm X. In the video below, he relates how he helped Obama getting admittance to Harvard at the request of Khalid Al-Mansour, who is an adviser to a totally wealthy Saudi prince, Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the 4-5 wealthiest men in the world. Al-Waleed bin Talal is also a major supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Fox News now is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and their fellow travelers.

Al-Mansour is an orthodox Muslim and black nationalist who was a mentor to the founders of the original Black Panthers in the 1960s. These statements were made in a interview by NY1 reporter, and the interview itself was made before Obama announced that he would create a campaign for president.

Fox Owner, Murdock, greets his Boss, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed

Al-Waleed’s 7% share of News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, gives him influence much greater than his relatively small ownership would otherwise imply, because it saved Murdoch from losing control of the company during a takeover attempt in 2005 by John Malone of the ironically named “Liberty Media.” Also, the avowed financial backing of the Saudis very much discourages the next takeover tries. Who can outbid the Saudi Royal Family, the largest concentration of personal wealth all over the world?  See this Forbes post:

If Fox News had fully reported the awful truth about Obama’s cult-like hateful religious belief and really hammered it home, Obama would never become a president. Fox News gives the impression of being pro-American, but they are actually kept on a short-leash, by their foreign-born, globalist and Islamist owners.

This nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia helped Obama via his adviser (Al-Mansour) to gain admission to Harvard. This is the same Saudi prince, who donated $10 million to New York City after 9/11 and had the offer rejected by Mayor Giuliani, because he wanted to assign blame to America for the terrorist attacks and resulting deaths of 3,000 American citizens. It has been suggested that Al-Waleed’s influence contributed to Obama’s being named editor of the Harvard Law Review, though Obama was clearly not qualified for the position. He also  donated $20 million dollars to Harvard to found in 2006 the “Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program“, an institute for promoting Islamic culture and Sharia Law.


Fox News is, in effect, controlled by Al-Waleed bin Talal, working with Rupert Murdoch, also foreign-born, as a partner. They have no real loyalty to America, as a nation.  They are mostly interested in building their global financial empires and in the case of Al-Waleed to promote Islamic culture.  To them, America is just another place to park their private choppers.

This is a chart of the price of oil over the last 25 years. The price of oil reached ironically on July 3, 2008 at more than $140 per barrel — just four months before the election — and voilà! — There is a financial crisis, the economy tanks and the choice of the Saudis is elected president.

Though the US was already much overburdened with massive debt, this sharp peak in oil prices was the immediate cause of the banking crisis and the economy to tank just before the election. Obama pulled ahead in the polls and won the election by a couple of percentage points due to this price-of-oil-induced financial crisis. Saudi Arabia is the swing producer in OPEC and controls the price of oil over the short term by adjusting its production level.

The spike in oil prices shifted the election to Obama.

Here, Obama thanks the King of Saudi Arabia for granting him the presidency of his province, America, assuming an appropriate posture of submission for an underling. Now, it is perhaps clear why he shamefully kowtowed to the despotic, absolute monarch of Saudi Arabia. If the price of oil had not raised just a couple of months before the election, Obama would never have become president.

Obama bows to the Saudi dictator, who gifted him the Presidency.

The doctrine of Obama’s sect in Chicago, based on Black Liberation Theology, holds that the black race has a divine mission to destroy America, white society and the traditional church. This is quite compatible with the thinking of the Saudi dictator. Obama is owned by the Saudis and Fox News is ultimately controlled by the Saudis. Fox spends a lot of time reporting on radical Muslims, just not the one, whoowns them.

The current so-called “democratic” revolutions in the Middle East have the goal of the formation of a new Caliphate, a global theocratic kingdom for all of Islam. This would be a totalitarian Islamic super state, possessing nuclear weapons and controlled by terrorists.

Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s self-described “spiritual guide,” studied the Tijaniyya Brotherhood, a branch of Sufism for six years. The Tijaniyya movement has been revived in recent decades and holds a belief that a “divine flood” will unite all of the many individual mystical Islamic brotherhoods into one great Muslim brotherhood and foretells the coming of an Islamic Mahdi, or messiah. Saudi Wahabbism is actually also a form of Muslim Brotherhood and is allied with the greater Muslim Brotherhood. Because it has the holy sites, Saudi Arabia has always been the center of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, which is probably why Saudi Arabia has not been troubled with the “Arab Spring” uprisings, though it is the most oppressive dictatorship in the Middle East.

Islamists have had for centuries a goal of expanding Islam into Africa. Obama’s Saudi masters did not like the mercurial and uncooperative Gaddafi and the oil resources that he controls would be of be of great use to the Muslim Brotherhood in the expanding Islam into Africa. Therefore Obama needed to liquidate Gaddafi for his Saudi Masters and turn Libya’s oil wealth and arms over to the Muslim Brotherhood, whether the U.S Congress approves of the war or not.

In Syria Obama and Hillary are also sending hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the assist the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. In Egypt they are continuing to send massive amounts of arms (jet fighters and tanks) as well as a billion dollars a year to the Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship that has recently gained control there.

In the illegal Libyan War, which was not approved by Congress, the US military provided air support for the Muslim Brotherhood and elements of Al Qaeda, who as thanks later murdered the US ambassador and three other Americans. The US military, in effect, served as mercenaries for the Saudi Dictatorship.


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