Female With Attitude Gets Glass Shattered By Police For Refusing To Lower Windows

Bad attitudes and frustrated cops never make for a good combination.  This lady was not in the mood to cooperate and the outcome was not in her favor.

Nathan Samuelson sums this video up like this:

Stupid girl shouldn’t argue with the cops. He told her several times what would happen if she didn’t do what he said.

She would have had plenty of time to ask whatever she wanted to ask AFTER she did what he told her to do. She was too busy trying to act like she shouldn’t be in trouble.

There’s no point in arguing with a cop. They have all the guns and backup they need. Any amount of resistance will be met with an even bigger force from them. If you want to argue with a cop, then take them to court. Don’t argue with them on the street. It’ll never end well for you. Never

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  • I watched the video carefully. The black woman was clearly out of line. I don’t know what the woman was trying to accomplish by giving the cop a hard time, but she just looked stupid. The black guy at the end of the video did a great job of critiquing the video and saw clearly that the woman was out of line. As I reflect on the video, I wonder if it was staged. Yet it seemed very real.

  • She rolled her window down enough to hear him. And he could hear her. And pass tickets to sign. She was detained. But “For a traffic citation.” Is not a answer. She asked why? No plate? Burnt out light? What? Must give reason. Smell of weed smoked in car is no good either. Evidence burnt and gone. No search.

  • She rolled her window down enough to hear him. And he could hear her. And pass tickets to sign. She was detained. But “For a traffic citation.” Is not a answer. She asked why? No plate? Burnt out light? What? Must give reason. Smell of weed smoked in car is no good either. Evidence burnt and gone. No search.

  • She rolled her window down enough to hear him. And he could hear her. And pass tickets to sign. She was detained. But “For a traffic citation.” Is not a answer. She asked why? No plate? Burnt out light? What? Must give reason. Smell of weed smoked in car is no good either. Evidence burnt and gone. No search. Right to travel unmolested shall not be infringed.

  • Stupid cop escalating a situation, it’s just a kid. He was not in danger, just going to show her who’s in charge. This cops attitude is what puts other officers lives in jeopardy.

  • I think the cop and citizen could have exchanged a signed citation without the cop needing to put his hand past the plane of the window and into the car. Easily. This cop apparently suffers from tiny penis syndrome and has to force his authority of citizens in the street because he cannot do it in the bedroom with his wife. That’s my analysis.

  • She was wrong!!!!! COMPLY DON’T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD TO DO!!!!!!!! WHY MAKE THINGS WORSE??????????????

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