He Crashed His SUV On An Open Golf Course, His Explanation Is Beyond All…

Members of the Brae Burn Country Club in Newton, Massachusetts, a wealthy suburb outside of Boston, were shocked to find an unexpected obstacle on the sixth hole this past Wednesday.

As the sun rose over the golf course, it unveiled a black SUV that had been driven onto the country club golf course and gotten stuck on the edge of a rise. The driver blamed their navigation app for directing them onto the course, where they ultimately became stranded.

The police reported that the driver was navigating in complete darkness and took one of the turns too wide, resulting in the vehicle getting stuck. Upon discovering the abandoned SUV, employees of the country club alerted the police, who then arrived at the scene and found the vehicle precariously balanced along the ridge.

When the police eventually questioned the driver, the individual repeatedly cited their navigation app, Waze, as the reason for their unusual predicament. The driver claimed that after dropping off friends, they were following the directions provided by the app when it instructed them to turn onto the Brae Burn Country Club course. Despite passing a gate and a no-trespassing sign, the driver continued onto the golf course, ultimately getting the SUV stuck on the ridge.

Officers found no signs of drunk driving. They did not detect any alcohol in the car or on the driver, nor did they notice any indications of intoxication, such as slurred speech or red eyes. A tow truck was eventually able to remove the SUV from the golf course and return it to the road.

The police stated that the driver would not face any charges, and the golf course decided not to press charges despite the driver’s late-night intrusion. The country club staff confirmed that the SUV did not cause any damage to the landscape of the golf course.

Reflecting on the unusual incident, Lt. Bruce Apotheker of the Newton Police Department said, “When the officers got there, one of the concerns is always if somebody is drinking or something like that. They found no indication of any kind of impairment.” He continued, “I’ve been with the police department for thirty-seven years, and I’ve never seen a car quite like this. Sometimes a vehicle may end up somewhere on purpose, but to have somebody’s GPS take them to a golf course and to end up on hole number six, that’s quite unusual.”

WATCH the video below for more details:

Source: AWM