Her Son Set Up A Camera At Her Nursing Home After She Had Bruises. What He Caught On Tape Will Make You TERRIFIED To EVER BE IN ONE!

Camille Parent grew increasingly concerned about his mother’s elder care facility after hearing about incidents between his mother and other residents, which left her battered and bruised.

At first, he suspected that other residents were attacking his mother. He didn’t want to take any chances, so he planted a hidden camera in her room.

What he found was absolutely disturbing. Not only was his mother being abused by other residents, but her caretakers were as well.

The video that he secretly recorded showed other residents going through his mother’s room, and taking her personal belongings. But that wasn’t the worst of it. One staff member was caught blowing his nose on her sheets, and then making her bed with the same sheets.

And yet another physically abused Camille’s mother, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Camille was quick to show the CEO of Saint Joseph’s, whoa greed that the footage was “totally unacceptable.” He also claimed that he would make sure “that actions are taken to prevent any such abuse in the future.”


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