Mall Terrorist Dad Releases STUNNING Statement on Son, Proves EXACTLY How Liberals Spin Narrative

The monster who stabbed nine people at a Minnesota mall has been identified as Dahir Adan.

Adan is Somali-American.

He was killed by an off-duty police officers.

Adan was heard shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’

He was shot three times, fell, and got up only to be shot again.

ISIS quickly claimed responsibility for the attack.

This is why assimilation is key for foreigners.

Adan brought his radical ideas with him once entering the U.S.

Our poor vetting process is literally getting people killed and injured.

From BizPac Review:

Adan His father, Ahmed Adan, said, through a translator, that he had no indication that his son was a terrorist, according to the Tribune.

The elder Adan said his son was a Somalian who was born in Kenya and came to America from his African home about 15 years ago.

The Islamic State has since claimed responsibility for the attack and called Adan “a soldier of the Islamic State” who “carried out the operation in response to the citizens of countries belonging to the crusader coalition.”

Adan’s father, with help of a translator, said he had no idea his son was a terrorist.

That’s exactly what the left will use to spin the story.

He added that Dahir came to America 15 years ago after being born in Kenya.

People had a lot to say about Middle Eastern and African refugees assimilating in America…

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