Man Purchases Car On CRAIGSLIST, Then He Gets REALLY BAD NEWS

A struggling Missouri father who is out of work desperately needed a vehicle, so he started browsing ads on Craigslist. He found a car that seemed like a good deal, but it turned out too good to be true.

Byron Holloman had the best of intentions. The Florissant man contacted a woman on Craigslist about a 2008 Chevrolet Impala she was selling for $5,500. The two met at a local grocery store so he could see the car.

Holloman checked the title, which matched the VIN. The car seemed to be in good condition. Everything seemed fine, so the two struck a deal. He paid the woman in cash and drove home.

“The very next day, I registered the car, received my plates, and thought life was good,” Holloman said. “Until I received the detective coming to my home retrieving the car, telling me that it was stolen.”

Police came to take Holloman’s statement, and the car. Unfortunately, the woman who sold him the vehicle — and his $5,500 — is nowhere to be found. Poor Holloman admits he made an honest mistake in his desperate moment, and now he’s left with nothing.

“I’m out of a car. I’m out of schedules, promises I made to my children,” Byron said. “And I’m out of a job right now, so I’m out of transportation to find another job.”

While there’s little he can do about that now, he urges other car buyers to take their time and get more information.


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