I think it’s safe to say that all of us are ever so grateful and inspired by Rory Feek’s continuous blog posts. Not only has he shown vulnerability, he has shed light on what many people are going through. Loss of a loved one. An incredible loved one. His wife, Joey Feek.

Joey has been battling cancer for almost a year and it has slowly taken the life out of her. Sometimes she has great days and sometimes she has horrible days. It’s practically a miracle that she has lived past the Christmas season.


Rory recently posted a blog post informing all of us that Joey may perhaps be on her last few days of life. While explaining, he talked about a song that they sang which will be on their upcoming album, “Hymns That Are Important To Us”  called “When I’m Gone.”

The song was written by Sandy Lawrence and is through the eyes of someone who is about to pass away and is talking to their loved one. Not knowing this song would relate to them at that time, it is now what Rory is clinging to.

“Her pain and discomfort has continued to increase daily and so has the morphine to help her be comfortable.” Rory wrote. ” The dosage she’s needed to keep the pain away has quadrupled in the last four days. I’d like to tell you that she’s doing great and is going to beat this thing.  But I can’t.”

Rory explained that just yesterday, Joey let him know that she’s been having “serious talks with Jesus.”

“She said she told him that if He’s ready to take her… she’s ready to come home.”

Going through such a hard time, Rory says that that song “When I’m Gone” gives him hope. He believes it was God.

“Some call it ‘life imitating art’.  I don’t. I call it God.”

“He knew I would need her to tell me goodbye… not just once, but a thousand times.  And I’d need to know that no matter how much time passes, that she loves me still.  And He made it so that if I needed to be reminded of her beautiful life and heart and voice… she would only be a ‘click’ away.”


Lastly Rory wrote:

“It is a very special song, filled with hope and love.  And in time, I believe it will have the power to help heal a million broken hearts… Even mine.”

We can only imagine what kind of pain this family is enduring… What an amazing testimony Rory has with experiencing the peace of God. Our thoughts and prayers are continuously with them both!

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