Let me tell you a heart-wrenching story of resilience and determination. It all started back in 2002, in the small town of Prattville, Alabama. Robert Smith, a young father, discovered his 14-month-old baby girl, Ashley, in the oven. Her mother, Melissa Wright, had pulled out all the racks and set the oven to a scorching 600 degrees Fahrenheit. She then placed little Ashley inside and let her burn. It was a heinous and unforgivable act of cruelty.
But Ashley was a fighter, and against all odds, she survived the ordeal. She had to undergo 28 surgeries over a period of ten years to treat the extensive third-degree burns she had suffered. It was a long and painful road to recovery, but Ashley never gave up.
Now, 14 years later, Ashley is a 15-year-old girl, preparing to start high school. Her mother, Melissa Wright, is still behind bars, serving her sentence for the unspeakable crime she committed against her own child. Ashley recently called the parole board and requested that her mother not be granted parole in this case. She feels that her mother deserves to serve her full sentence, and her attorney put in the request in writing.
Back in 2003, Melissa Wright went to court for the attempted murder of her daughter. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. But before that, she tried to deceive the court by claiming that Ashley had fallen into the oven accidentally. Of course, this was quickly exposed as a lie, and she then tried another tactic, saying that she had heard voices that told her to put Ashley in the oven.
This past July, Melissa Wright was considered for early release, but Ashley felt that her mother needed to serve her full sentence. The request was granted, and Wright will not be eligible for parole until 2021.
Ashley’s sister, Courtney Brenson, feels differently, however. She visits Melissa Wright and claims that she has changed and that her mental health is in a better state. But Ashley disagrees and feels that Wright needs to spend more time in prison for what she did to her.
After the horrific incident, Ashley was raised by her uncle and aunt on her father’s side. To Ashley, they are her parents, and she considers herself lucky to have them in her life. Wright never apologized for what she did to her daughter, and Ashley has no love for her mother, but she does not hate her either.
Despite the trauma she endured as a baby, Ashley is determined to live a full life. She is getting ready to start high school and has big plans for her future. She wants to go to college and become a surgeon so she can help children in the same way healthcare providers helped her when she was a child.
Ashley’s story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. She endured unspeakable cruelty, but she never gave up. Her resilience and determination are an inspiration to us all. She is proof that no matter what life throws at us, we can overcome it and achieve our dreams.
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Source: AWM