There’s A Sanctuary For Senior Dogs, And It’s Going To Be Your New Favorite Rescue Organization

Senior dogs, especially those with medical problems or disabilities, face a much greater chance of euthanasia at shelters than younger dogs because it is difficult to find adopters for them due to their shorter additional life expectancy and unknown veterinary costs.

Most of these wonderful senior dogs will be able to live happily with a good quality of life if given a chance. They make wonderful companions because they are mature, calm and loving.

The Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary in Tennessee does everything they can to help senior dogs live out their retirement years as a loved family member.

senior dog rescue

On the sanctuary’s Facebook page, they introduce you to all the old dogs living there. It’s probably going to be your new favorite rescue organization…

“Mildred found a seat on which to sit…. it’s Captain Ron’s dinner bowl”

senior dog rescue

“No introductions needed”

senior dog rescue

“Harley and Smiley taking an afternoon nap together”

senior dog rescue

“Even though it was really cold out this morning, everyone wanted to come outside for a little while”

senior dog rescue

“Bentley and Paris make such a cute little couple”

senior dog rescue

“Here’s Leo… in his element. He loves the snow!”

senior dog rescue

“Golden Guys Harley and Toby”

senior dog rescue

They even make awesome videos to help their old friends get noticed.

“Mildred 2016 – Put a Pug in the White House”

They also share updates when the dogs find a family to spend the rest of their days with…

“Maggie has found her perfect Forever Foster Home with her new Mom, Lynn. We are so happy for both of them”

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