TRAGIC: This Family Watched The Alberta Wildfire Burn Their House To The Ground Live On Their iPhone

A huge wildfire has been ravaging the Canadian town of Fort McMurray for the past week, with more than 100,000 people evacuated and 20% of the town destroyed.

Firefighters now claim to have the blaze somewhat under control. But one unlucky man, James O’Reilly, was unlucky enough to be able to watch his home of 20 years burn to the ground live on his iPhone. The video, shot by a security camera controlled through his phone, took place only around 20 minutes after he and his wife left the house.

As O’Reilly and his wife wait in six packed lanes of traffic, he was able to watch his home burn in real time. He told The Star that the adrenaline softened the blow — but now, it’s starting to settle in.

“We’ve been talking for two days about all the things we left behind,” he said. “We left pretty much all our important papers, some important pictures.” Though he admits that he feels worst about the two clown fish he left behind in the tanks in the rush to get out.

“I could feel the wind and it wasn’t wind from outside. It was wind from the fire,” he said. “We’re better than most. We made it through, and we have our camper, so we have a home on the road.”

The Canadian Red Cross is currently appealing for donations to help evacuees.

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