VIDEO: UPS Driver NEVER Thought He Would Get Caught Doing THING To An Elderly Woman’s Home

A UPS driver in Irmo, South Carolina has gone above and beyond the call of duty by saving the life of an 84-year old woman and when you see what this man has done, you’ll agree that this story needs to be told.

The woman, Nancy McCummings lives on a fixed income and has fell on extremely hard times. In 2013 her disabled son, who lived with her, passed away.

Dwight Praylow has been a UPS driver for 15 years and met the elderly woman when he delivered packages to her disabled son.

After her son’s death, Praylow heard that McCummings needed help. So he stepped up to the plate!

“From this point on she is not just an elderly lady in the cul-de-sac in Friarsgate that nobody knows about,” he told WLTX.

Praylow learned McCummings house suffered some damage in the October flood and had a horrible roach infestation that made it unlivable.

“To me it goes back to that saying, it takes a village to raise a child,” Praylow explained. “So when that child gets to be elderly, who is going to take care of them. So to me its a reach back kind of thing.”

What a great man! Check out the video!

So Dwight reached out to his twin brother,  friends and customers and they took care of the infestation, hauling out everything that couldn’t be used. They then cleaned the walls with bleach, primed, and repainted her house.

This was much needed help since McCummings has outlived all her children. “They worked all day Easter here so I really appreciate it to have these young guys with that kind of heart  they showed.  And I adopted them now as my boys,” she said.

Dwight’s twin brother, Dwayne says that he was thrilled to help the woman saying that she is ‘such a great lady with so much laughter that you just fall in love.’

Of course, the repairs have been expensive and Praylow appreciates everyone that is helping saying, “Financially it was one of those things where everyone donated and every dollar or five dollars added up.”

Mrs. McCummings was put up in a hotel while the volunteers cleaned, exterminated painted and even put in new flooring!

When she returned, McCummings couldn’t believe the work that had been done. “I told them this isn’t my house” she told WLTX. “I’ve never lived here before, and they laughed because it is phenomenal what they did,” she said.

People in the community donated furniture, a refrigerator and building materials.

But there is still a ton of work that still needs to be done which requires professionals such as drywallers, plumbers, cabinet and tile installers in order to get her kitchen back in shape.

“With a few more hands getting on board, we can show the miracle of what the village can do to take care of the people in our community who can’t take care of themselves,” Praylow said.

She needs a new water heater and some roof repair as well.

The group has created a Facebook page called “84 Yr Lady’s Distress Call” that contains contact information if you would like to help out.

Kudos to all of these wonderful people for helping out this wonderful woman.

Like I said, this is a wonderful story that needed to be told.

I told and now it’s up to you patriots to share this!


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