What One Of The Family Feud Contestants Said Made Steve Harvey Nearly Stop Filming…

We all know Family Feud answers can get a little crazy, but no one knows this better than Steve Harvey.

The show’s longtime host, 65, was left practically speechless during one particular instance, where one contestant blurted out an unexpectedly NSFW answer during the show’s lightning-round segment known as “Fast Money,” which the Family Feud Instagram account shared last night.

Steve asked contestant Secily: “We asked 100 men. Name a part of your body that’s bigger than it was when you were 16.”

Without hesitation, she shouted: “Your penis!”

Meanwhile, Steve was so shocked he couldn’t even respond. He mumbled to himself as the rest of him stood there frozen.

Steve went completely silent after Secily gave her answer, causing the audience to roar with laughter. The camera then shows the Think Like a Man star searching for words, staring blankly at the notecard in his hands.

“I used the medical terminology,” Secily pointed out.

Harvey quipped back: “A medical term is almost worse! A slang term would have least been … your ‘ding-a-ling,’ something!”

As his brain essentially short-circuited, Steve staggered backwards before dropping to his knees and placing his hand on his forehead. Secily laughed next to him, seemingly looking to see if he was okay before asking, “Not so good?”

Some fans in the comments on the Instagram post were concerned over whether or not Secily was given more time to re-do her round, considering Harvey wasted the bulk of the time on the clock with the hilarious bit.

“Meanwhile I’m over here stressing that his extra reaction is wasting precious seconds🤣🤣,” one user wrote.

“I said the medical terminology,” she said to Harvey to defend herself, to which he responded, “I don’t care what you said…It ain’t gon’ sound right,” while reenacting the hilarious moment.

“The way he shuts down was just hilarious,” another user wrote in the comments.

“His reaction was priceless! 🤣🤣🤣,” another added, while someone else insisted, “Never get a new host PLEASE 👏🏾”

Watch the hilarious video below:

Sources: OpposingViews, Rare